If for any reason engineering for a refit needs to be done, a good comparison between the digital engineering model and the real world is essential for an accurate engineering package. Pictures and measurements of the existing situation can be taken but these will never be as accurate as desired and most of the time more questions will rise afterwards. In addition, in most instances there is only one possibility to take pictures and measurements on board so there is only one chance to get it all.

To make sure we do not miss anything during a visit on board it is preferred to make a laser scan that results in a point cloud file. A scan of the complete area where engineering is required will be made so the risk of missing information afterwards will be as minimal as possible. The data from the laser scan will be processed to be compatible with Cadmatic software, and exported for use in the eBrowser. This way the point cloud data will be available for everyone working on the project, both at the engineering company and client office.

With a point cloud file you create a virtual environment of the real situation available at all times without having to visit the job site, which in the case of a vessel can be all over the world. Benefits of this are of course that you do not have to make expensive trips to take measurements and the point cloud will be more accurate and not subject to human errors which will result in a more accurate engineering package.

The goal is to deliver an accurate and detailed engineering package from which the shipyard or construction company can make the necessary piping and outfitting with as few as possible errors within their planning and budget. The time and money spent making the point cloud will pay itself back numerous times during the project and production.